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Terms and Conditions


By owner's or shipper's agent signature and carrier, are hereby authorized to transport said vehicle form point of pickup to point of destination as specified on the shipping order bill of lading.

Insurance is provided by carrier's cargo insurance. ICC regulations require that we have a copy of carrier's insurance on file. If damage does occur, it mailed within 14 days of delivery.

As is standard in the auto transport industry, and carrier cannot make guarantees for exact delivery time of date. movers and carrier are not responsible for car rentals.

The customer is responsible for preparing the vehicle for transport. All loose parts, fragile or protruding accessories low hanging spoilers, etc, must be removed and properly secured. Any part of the vehicle that falls off during transport is the customer's responsibility, including damages by said part to any and all vehicles involved.

The customer is responsible for completely disarming any alarm systems. The customer must provide keys or remotes for any alarm system. In the event that the car alarm sounds the transporter is required to silence the alarm by means he deems reasonable and effective. and carrier will not be responsible for any mechanical or electrical functions, leaking fluids, and exhaust systems. and carrier will not be responsible for radio antennas that do not retract no more than 3 inches above the hood or fender of the vehicle being transported.

The customer agrees that should this vehicle become mechanically inoperable for any reason during transport through no fault of ours, repair costs will be added to the transport fee to be collected at the time of delivery.

The carrier will not be responsible for convertible tops that are loose, torn, or have visible wear. The transporter will also not be responsible for vehicle boots, caps, masks, bras, or and other type of canvas or material covering.

All payments for transport must be in the form of cashier's check or cash on delivery. The customer agrees that if the payment cannot be made by cashier's check or cash the vehicle will be stored at the customer's expense. Should the customer be unable to accept deliver for any reason, the vehicle will be placed in storage. Any and all storage and/or delivery charges will be the responsibility of the customer.

This agreement supersedes all written and / or oral agreements between carrier and the owner and may not be changed except when in writing by an officer of the company.

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Shipping Cars is proudly owned and managed by Auto Transport Movers LLC 906 W. McDermott Dr, Allen TX 75013 USA
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